
Philipp Riedel is an expert in the innovations and trends that shape the working world. He regards concepts like new work, digitalisation and artificial intelligence as opportunities for economic growth and business success. As a proactive influencer of the working world of tomorrow, the successful CEO of AVANTGARDE Experts wants others to realise the potential behind these developments.

For his vision and innovative spirit, Philipp Riedel was honoured with the APSCo Deutschland Award in the "Top Staffing Leader" category in October 2024. Through workshops and presentations, he inspires and motivates his audience in his capacity as a game changer for the working world of the future. Amid the ‘war for talents’, he encourages people to break new ground, lead with an eye on the future and to assign corporate culture the highest priority.

Interviews and articles


[Translate to English:] Experts Talk - Avantgarde Experts

Philipp Riedel on 'Recruitment on the Road' Podcast: Visions, Challenges, and Career Opportunities in the Staffing Industry

"<iframe style=\"border-radius:12px\" src=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/embed\/episode\/5PoNvgFjSyFGyE8BufPyop?utm_source=generator&theme=0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"152\" frameBorder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\" allow=\"autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture\" loading=\"lazy\"><\/iframe>"

Philipp Riedel on the 'Heise Meets' Podcast - Topic: HR Management: maximising employee potential

"<iframe style=\"border-radius:12px\" src=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/embed\/episode\/3nvruRd54GZpyF2mldXSLZ?utm_source=generator&theme=0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"152\" frameBorder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\" allow=\"autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture\" loading=\"lazy\"><\/iframe>"

Philipp Riedel on the 'HR Klartext' Podcast - Topic: Hybrid Workforce – Flexibility vs. Skills Shortage?

"<iframe style=\"border-radius:12px\" src=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/embed\/episode\/3jyHlsVmZnTCZCFrsgAJhC?utm_source=generator&theme=0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"152\" frameBorder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\" allow=\"autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture\" loading=\"lazy\"><\/iframe>"

Philipp Riedel on 'the Amazing People' Podcast - Topic: What managers can learn from flying

"<iframe style=\"border-radius:12px\" src=\"https:\/\/open.spotify.com\/embed\/episode\/2eQQvquokCIGI9EgeBanPa?utm_source=generator&theme=0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"152\" frameBorder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"\" allow=\"autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture\" loading=\"lazy\"><\/iframe>"

Ask Philipp Riedel for an interview or presentation:

Hannelore Wolff

Assistant to the management 

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