Jobs and projects in TV and media
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Job opportunities in TV and media
for young professionals and specialists
Whether you're a young professional, seasoned expert or looking for a change of career: If you're passionate about TV and media, you can choose from a wide range of career options. We offer an extensive selection of jobs and projects in Production, Studio Operations, Post Production and Corporate Production.
At AVANTGARDE Experts, our job and project portal offers exciting opportunities in TV and media throughout Germany, including Munich, Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart.
Exciting TV and media opportunities for creative minds
Are you passionate about TV and media? Do you love to contribute your creative ideas to the media, TV and entertainment industry and create unique digital adventures?
As a recruitment agency, we arrange personnel, jobs and projects in TV and media:
- Sound Technician
- Director
- Video Producer
- 3D Artist
- Motion Designer
- Media Designer (picture and sound)
Discover more job opportunities and projects
If you haven't found a suitable offer or project yet, expand your search by specifying further specializations like digital, marketing, creative, communication and more.
FAQ: Frequently asked questions about our TV and media jobs
How much can I earn in the TV and media industry?
In the TV and media industry, salaries vary significantly. Depending on your position, your experience, the region and the size of the company, you can earn between 40,000 and 120,000 euro gross per year. The same applies to freelancers. On average, freelancers in TV and media production earn 66 euro per hour.
Which locations are particularly popular for media and TV jobs?
At AVANTGARDE Experts, we offer jobs in the media and TV sector throughout Germany. However, many of the opportunities on our job and project portal are based in Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart.
Welche Fähigkeiten benötigte ich für einen Job im TV & Medienproduktion?
Um erfolgreich in einen Job oder als Freelancer im Bereich TV & Medienproduktion zu arbeiten, sind eine Vielzahl von Fähigkeiten und Kenntnissen erforderlich. Einige davon sind:
- Kreativität: Ein untrügliches Gespür für visuelle und inhaltliche Gestaltung ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, um erfolgreiche TV-Shows und Filme zu produzieren.
- Technisches Know-how: Kenntnisse in Bezug auf Film- und Fernsehtechnologie, wie z.B. Kameras, Licht, Ton und Schnitt, sind unerlässlich, um erfolgreich produzieren zu können.
- Projektmanagement: Eine starke Fähigkeit, erfolgreich Projekte zu planen, zu organisieren und zu koordinieren, ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, um eine erfolgreiche Produktion zu gewährleisten.
- Kommunikation: Klare und effektive Kommunikationsfähigkeiten sind von großer Bedeutung, um erfolgreich mit einem Team und externen Partnern zusammenzuarbeiten.
- Flexibilität: Der Arbeitsplatz in der Medienproduktion ist sehr dynamisch und erfordert die Fähigkeit, schnell und effektiv auf Veränderungen reagieren zu können.
- Marketing- und Vertriebskenntnisse: Kenntnisse im Bereich Marketing und Vertrieb sind wichtig, um erfolgreich Medienprodukte zu vermarkten und zu verkaufen.
- Fachwissen: Kenntnisse in Bereichen wie Drehbuchschreiben, Regie, Schauspiel und Produktion sind von Vorteil.
What skills do I need for a job in TV & media production?
To be successful in the field of TV and media production, a variety of skills and knowledge are required. Some of these include:
- Creativity: A keen sense of visual and content design is crucial in producing successful TV shows and films.
- Technical know-how: Knowledge of film and television technology, such as cameras, lighting, sound and editing, is essential for successful production.
- Project management: Strong ability to plan, organize and coordinate projects is crucial for ensuring a successful production.
- Communication skills: Clear and effective communication skills are crucial for working successfully with a team and external partners.
- Flexibility: The workplace in media production is very dynamic and requires the ability to react quickly and effectively to changes.
- Marketing and sales knowledge: Knowledge in marketing and sales is important for successfully marketing and selling media products.
- Expertise: Knowledge in areas such as scriptwriting, directing, acting and production is beneficial.